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  2. 生産者さんへのメッセージ(Mahaguthi Bishnu-san)

生産者さんへのメッセージ(Mahaguthi Bishnu-san)

Dear Bishnu-san

Hello, Bishnu-san!
I’m Natsuho from online store department.
In May, the month of Fair Trade, I wrote a column about producers including you based on the information from your interview, and we got a message from our customers who have read the column about you. So I would like to share them to you.

Also, we conducted a survey in our online store to collect messages from our customers to producers who produce SISAM’s products! As a result, we received a message from our customers to you!

Our customers are all looking forward to your products! Please take a moment to read the message below!

Messages from Our Customers

・Your episode. Compared to Japan, where the work style of working from home has finally become mainstream due to the corona crisis, I thought it was progressing. I think that seeing a mother working from home has a positive effect on children. I hear that there are still some areas and customs in Nepal where women’s rights and dignity are neglected. I believe that the continuation of activities by groups like Mahaguthi, who advocate and act on the obvious, will transform society as a whole. We hope that we can support them by “choosing” them.





●コンビニ後払い ●代金引換 ●Amazonペイメント●フェアトレードコイン


●お届け日時:ご指定のない場合、ご注文から7営業日以内での出荷となります。 ●日付指定:ご注文より8日後~15日後まで ●時間指定:午前中 / 12:00~14:00 / 14:00~16:00 / 16:00~18:00 / 18:00~20:00 / 18:00~21:00 / 19:00~21:00


●基本送料:650円(本州・四国・九州) / 1,200円(北海道・沖縄・一部離島) ●11,000円(税込)以上お買い上げの場合は送料無料。


お問合せフォームはこちら ●TEL:075-724-5677  ●E-mail:web@sisam.jp

