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  2. 生産者さんへのメッセージ(SSH Rita-san)

生産者さんへのメッセージ(SSH Rita-san)

Dear Rita-san

Hello, Rita-san!
I’m Natsuho from online store department.
In May, the month of Fair Trade, I wrote a column about producers including you based on the information from your interview, and we got a lot of messages from our customers who have read the column about you. So I would like to share them to you.

Also, we conducted a survey in our online store to collect messages from our customers to producers who produce SISAM’s products! As a result, we received a lot of messages from our customers to you!

Our customers are all looking forward to your products! Please take a moment to read all the messages below!

Messages from Our Customers

・I admire your lifestyle. I am not strong enough to do volunteer work myself. It’s wonderful!

・Rita-san, thank you for your wonderful words, “Good deeds will come back to you, and that will become your character.” I felt your warmth. I reach out too.

・The phrase “Good deeds come back to you” left an impression on me.





●コンビニ後払い ●代金引換 ●Amazonペイメント●フェアトレードコイン


●お届け日時:ご指定のない場合、ご注文から7営業日以内での出荷となります。 ●日付指定:ご注文より8日後~15日後まで ●時間指定:午前中 / 12:00~14:00 / 14:00~16:00 / 16:00~18:00 / 18:00~20:00 / 18:00~21:00 / 19:00~21:00


●基本送料:650円(本州・四国・九州) / 1,200円(北海道・沖縄・一部離島) ●11,000円(税込)以上お買い上げの場合は送料無料。


お問合せフォームはこちら ●TEL:075-724-5677  ●E-mail:web@sisam.jp

